From our friends over at Vanguard, this article provides valuable insights on how to select the right ETF for your investment portfolio.
By Vanguard
Navigating through the growing ETFs maze.
With so many ETFs of all shapes and sizes now available on the market, finding the right one to invest in can sometimes be a difficult choice for investors. Below are a few suggestions on what to look out for when choosing ETFs.
Align to Allocation
First and foremost, finding the right ETF should depend on your own investment objectives, portfolio asset allocation plan, and personal priorities.
For example, if you are just starting to invest and unsure where to start, perhaps a diversified ETF that provides exposure to a range of asset classes including equity, fixed income, and cash is a good introductory step as it allows for broad diversification.
If the majority of your holdings are currently in shares, then perhaps investing in a fixed-income ETF will help diversify your equity market exposure.
Similarly, if you’re finding yourself favouring domestic investments but unsure how to invest directly in international shares, then an ETF tracking a global index might provide the missing link.
Know Your Provider
Apart from market forces, how well an ETF performs can also depend on how it is managed. Investing with a reputable fund manager with experience and a good track record of delivering index performance is important.
When selecting ETFs, dig a little deeper and find out what each provider’s investment philosophies are and what objectives they prioritise when offering products.
An ETF provider with a disciplined approach to portfolio management as well as the scale to have dedicated risk, research, and investment teams is more likely to produce long-term returns.
Compare the Costs
Costs are one of the more straightforward ways to compare ETFs and can be particularly important when you are selecting between sometimes similar products. Like we always say at Vanguard, while you can’t control the markets, you can control your investment costs.
ETF fees vary across the board depending on the provider, the market and sector, as well as the index being tracked.
ETFs generally come with an annual management fee and sometimes, an indirect cost. Fee details can generally be found in the ETF’s product disclosure statement (PDS) and fund fact sheets, where you’ll also find information on the index, distributions and associated risks.
Other costs to be aware of are brokerage fees (dependent on the platform through which you trade) and the bid/ask spread which is the difference between the ETF’s buy and sell price. The latter is determined by market liquidity and what’s going on in the market at any given time; the less investor demand, the wider the spread.
Don’t Trade the Trends
The hallmark of a sound ETF is that it delivers the returns of the underlying market or markets that the index is built to track.
Niche or thematic ETFs constructed around a specific subject matter may have periods of heightened popularity (think robotics, precious metals, or cryptocurrency), but may not stand the test of time once the trend begins to fade or suffer dramatic bouts of volatility that will test your investment nerve.
As these ETFs are often narrow in focus, they lose out on the same diversification benefits inherent in broad-based ETFs. What’s more is that due to their new and largely untested nature, it’s difficult to evaluate liquidity and how accessible it is to trade during periods of volatility.
Important Information
Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd (ABN 72 072 881 086 / AFS Licence 227263) (“Vanguard”) is the issuer of the Vanguard® Australian ETFs. Vanguard ETFs will only be issued to Authorised Participants. That is, persons who have entered into an Authorised Participant Agreement with Vanguard (“Eligible Investors”). Retail investors can transact in Vanguard ETFs through Vanguard Personal Investor, a stockbroker or financial adviser on the secondary market.
We have not taken your objectives, financial situation or needs into account when preparing this publication so it may not be applicable to the particular situation you are considering. You should consider your objectives, financial situation or needs, and the disclosure documents for Vanguard’s products before making any investment decision. Before you make any financial decision regarding Vanguard’s products you should seek professional advice from a suitably qualified adviser. The Target Market Determination (TMD) for Vanguard’s ETFs include a description of who the ETF is appropriate for. You can access our IDPS Guide, PDSs Prospectus and TMD at or by calling 1300 655 101.
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